Liedtexte Marie Fredriksson

Everything disappears

Word and Music by Robert Broberg
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Where are all the flowers you gave me yesterday?
and the songs that you sang me?
everything disappears

All the smiles you gave me yesterday?
and the kisses that you gave me?
everything disappears

You can sing me new songs
and you can give me new kisses
all the time
all the time

Everything disappears
all the time
everything disappears
all the time

Where´s the wine we drank yesterday?
and the music that we danced to?
everything disappears

You can give me more wine
and we can dance to new music
all the time
all the time

Everything disappears...

Where are all the tears we cried yesterday?
and the clouds up in the sky all disappear
everything disappears

You can give me new smiles
and we can find us new heavens
all the time
all the time

Everything disappears...